Friday, November 21, 2008

Your Problem is Already Solved

As I've written in previous posts, I'm a huge Caroline Myss fan. Lately I've been listening to podcasts of her archived radio shows from Hay House Radio, and they are magnificent. This woman is so incredibly wise, insightful, and brilliant. One of the things I've learned from listening to her is a method she recommends for dealing with any frightening or stressful situation, including illness. Her advice is to see the situation as already healed by God. She emphasizes the importance of accepting that everything is as it should be, even if we can not understand why. Accept that, and then view the issue as already healed.

This can be a difficult exercise to perform, especially because our rational mind makes us believe that we must try to figure out why things are the way they are, and that we need to remain frightened until the situation is resolved. Yet the power of surrendering to God is enormous, and it is not a rational process. Our rational minds are certainly important and useful in our everyday affairs, but we are mistaken if we believe that the rational mind is useful for every situation - especially a spiritual crisis. A spiritual crisis calls for a different approach, a spiritual solution rather than a rational one. Try it for yourself - see your problem as already healed, and have faith that it is.

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