Sunday, October 26, 2008

One Size Does Not Fit All

I strongly believe that what's true for one person is not true for everyone. We are so programmed in our society to believe that there is One Truth that applies to everyone, but it simply isn't so. Yes, there are some things that are true for many people, but there is very little that is true for everyone.

Food is a perfect example. I think each of us intuitively knows exactly what our body needs us to eat, and how much of it, on any given day. We all intuitively know what foods nourish our own bodies and what foods are toxic to us. But what is good for my body is not necessarily good for yours. For example, broccoli may be extremely healthy for me to eat, but it may be toxic for you. Broccoli may be very healthy for most people to eat, but that does not make it healthy for everyone. Only you truly know what your body needs. Furthermore, broccoli may be good for me today, and bad for me tomorrow. Our bodies are constantly changing, so eating the same thing every day probably will not meet all of our needs all of the time. We need to learn to tune in to our bodies, ask them what they need, and trust that only we know what is best for ourselves.

I will take this a step further. I don't believe smoking is bad for everyone. Personally I do not smoke, and I don't believe smoking is healthy for most people. However, I believe that someone who smokes without guilt, who completely enjoys it, and who truly feels good despite the fact that they smoke, will not be harmed by it. The fact that our society has condemned smoking, and that "science" has come out against it, means nothing except to the extent that people buy into the idea that what is true for one person is true for everyone. It isn't.

Most people are intimidated by this idea. If this were generally accepted, it would be much more difficult to apply "one size fits all" solutions to everything from medicine to education. It would be more difficult for a relatively small group of people to control huge numbers of people. It is a firm spiritual tenet that we are all One. Yet paradoxically, what is true for one is not true for all. Believe it.

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